Conference programme

The conference programme includes 28 presentations from speakers coming from 14 countries. The English track will comprise 11 presentations and 17 colleagues will share their experience in the Russian track. When registering, conference participants can choose to follow one of the tracks or both of them. 

Each presenter has shared their presentation and supporting materials on an online-board. These boards are open from 15 August and each participant is welcome to watch a presentation, read accompanying materials, do specially designed tasks and ask questions to presenters. You can access the board by clicking the links in the table below. Please note that you must log in to this website first.

On 29 - 31 August, a series of synchronous online sessions will take place. You will have a chance to meet presenters, discuss the most interesting questions and participate in specially designed sessions.

Date Activities
15 - 29 August   

Familisarion with the conference materials shared online

English track

Russian track

29 - 31 August

Participation in synchronous online sessions

14:00 - 16:00 (Riga time) Russian track

17:00 - 19:00 (Riga time) English track




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