Conference 2022

conf 2022

The sixth TA Teachers Conference Towards Thinking Curriculum will take place in a virtual format in August 2022

Since 2012, when the first TA Teachers conference was organised, thinking has taken a much more prominent role in the curriculum of many countries. We invite you to investigate the topic from various angles:

  • role of and approaches to thinking in the national curriculum
  • ways of conceptualising thinking in the curriculum
  • thinking in the disciplinary curricula
  • thinking beyond the formal curricuum
  • etc.

We encourage teacher participants to submit their unit plans and syllabi used for the development of thinking skills for their discussion at the conference.

This year we would like to propose a different format for running the event to make it more productive for all the participants. We ask all the speakers to provide their input before the conference using a variety of online presentation options. The conference will then include two phases:

  • Phase 1. Aug 15 - 25. Familiarisation with conference materials, initial questions and discussions.  Asynchronous, online.
  • Phase 2. Aug 26 - 31. In-depth discussion of the conference materials, reflection and practical online workshops. Synchronous, online (specific time will be specified later, we invisage two 3 h long sessions for each language track)

The conference programme will be offered in two languages: English and Russian. We expect some overlap between the tracks, but the programme is generally different. The participants will be able to follow one or both tracks. 

Register for the conference