Conference 2020
The fifth TA Teachers Conference Assessment for Teaching Thinking took place in the virtual format on 27-29 August 2020.
The conference programme was offered in three languages: English, Russian and Latvian. The participants could benefit from 54 talks and workshops offered by 44 presenters from 13 countries. Altogether the conference was attended by about 300 participants from all over the world. Please see the conference report for detailed information about the event.
The Organising Committee would like to express special thanks to the colleagues from the University of Lincoln and specifically to Dr. Anita Backhouse for technical support for running the event in the virtual format.
If you have missed the conference and would like to see recordings of the sessions, it is possible to purchase access to either a track in a particular language or all the materials.
We have already started planning our sixth conference that will take place in August or September 2022. Please pre-register your interest to be informed about the conference related news.