Pre-conference tutorials
Two pre-conference tutorials will take place on Fri morning, 19 Sept, from 0900 to 1200.
Tutorial 1. Tools for Systemic Approach to Educational Management. Room "Amata".
Tutorial 2. Let's Think: Cognitive Acceleration. Room "Venta".
Tutorial 3. Efektīvās domāšanas attīstības iespējas un pāreja uz starpdisciplināru mācišanos (in Latvian). Room "Abava"
The fee for each tutorial is EUR 50. The number of places for each tutorial is limited, so first-come, first-served policy will be applied. If you would like to attend one of the tutorials, please fill in the registration form. More detailed information about each of the tutorials will be published soon.
Tutorial 1. Tools for Systemic Approach to Educational Management.
A successful modern educational establishment must be effective both in terms of the learning model it proposes and the way it is managed.
A systemic approach to educational management is one of the requirements for an effective 21st century school. A clear vision of the role of all elements of the organisation, understanding trends in the field and the requirements they set, an ability to identify and apply resources for solving problems an organisation is facing are some of the features of this approach. Its successful application allows the management team to identify the cause of problems, foresee potential challenges and work out specific solutions.
In this workshop you will be introduced to some tools for building a systemic picture of your organisation development and mechanisms for identifying priority areas for the coming years.
The workshop will have a strong practical focus. It is advised that at least two members of the management team take part.
The tutorial will be facilitated by Dr. Alexander Sokol, academic director of TA Group, Latvia
Tutorial 2. Let's Think: Cognitive Acceleration.
We will introduce you to the Let’s Think approach and how it developed from evidence based Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education to become an intervention for children from age 4 to 14 across maths, science and English.
We will show you how children are challenged and supported in Let’s Think through collaboration with their peers to construct new reasoning and reflect on their learning.
We will describe the model of support used in the training for schools, which is aimed at sustaining and continuing Let’s Think practice beyond the training.
We will justify why this type of intervention is necessary and the evidence of its impact over many years.
You will be challenged yourself and see first hand the challenges students face.
The tutorial will be facilitated by Alan Edmiston and Stuart Twiss, Let's Think Forum, UK
Tutorial 3. Efektīvās domāšanas attīstības iespējas un pāreja uz starpdisciplināru mācišanos (in Latvian) .
Pasaule ap mums kļūst arvien sarežģītāka un arvien mazāk iekļaujas standartizētu zināšanu rāmjos. Pieaug nepieciešamība patstāvīgi pieņemt lēmumus jaunās situācijās bez ilgstošas variantu pārcilāšanas. To var izdarīt ar efektīvās domāšanas palīdzību, kuras pamatā ir noteiktu domāšanas instrumentu un starpdisciplināru zināšanu izmantošana. Efektīvās domāšanas attīstību sekmē OTSM-TRIZ teorijā balstīts mācību process. Vienkāršs un atraktīvs veids OTSM-TRIZ pamatu apguves uzsākšanai ir jā-nē spēle, kuru pēc vienotiem noteikumiem var organizēt katrā mācību priekšmetā, starppriekšmetu turnīros, dažāda vecuma un sagatavotības dalībniekiem. Spēlei ir universāls raksturs. Tā nodrošina skolēnu zināšanu saistību ar reālo dzīvi, starppriekšmetu saikņu izmantošanu, veicina augstāko domāšanas prasmju attīstību, stimulē mācību motivāciju, māca efektīvi risināt problēmas.
Veidus, kā organizēt jā-nē spēli efektīvās domāšanas attīstības veicināšanai, dalībnieki varēs apgūt praktiskā darbībā. Prasmes var būt noderīgas skolotājiem, izglītības vadītājiem un arī vecākiem.
The tutorial will be facilitated by Dr. Ingrīda Muraškovska, Latvia