Overall Subject Aims: Clothes vocabulary, shopping situations (buying and selling, haggling, persuading), numbers, prices (based on Wow! 4 Ch 13 Cool!)
Overall Thinking Aims: Practising looking for parameters and values (clothing), building up ENV through sorting task, and practising using the parameters through Yes/No Game. Recognising similarities and differences, seeing objects from new angle (through role play) and reflecting on tool (ENV) and tasks.
Overall challenge and motivation / need:  Clifford, the class mascot ‘dog’ is enjoying visiting the pupils’ homes, but he’s missing his family in London and wants to go and visit them. He hasn’t got any money. How can we help him?
Materials:  a box of old clothes, cards with pictures of items of clothing (24).

Subject Aim: Revise and expand and use knowledge of clothing vocabulary. Introduce idea of buying and selling clothes. (WOW!4 Ch 13)
Thinking Aim: Noticing similarities and differences between items through sorting task, leading to building of ENV in next lesson.
Step 1 in framework: Creating the challenge and motivation, giving task and increasing room for thinking by using limitation to make obvious answers unacceptable.

CONTEXT AND CHALLENGE: Our class ‘mascot’, Clifford, is missing his family and would love to visit them in London, but hasn’t got the money. He’ll need at least 600 euros. How can we help him? I’ve got a big box of old clothes (tip onto floor in pile) and nothing else.
First we brainstormed ways we could help. They suggested singing in the street to get money, which was funny, because there’s hardly anyone in the street here! They also suggested that we could save money by putting Clifford in the post, which I hadn’t thought of at all.  Eventually they came up with the idea of selling old clothes, though there was (justifiably!)some discussion as to whether or not this was the best idea. We decided it was as we had old clothes we could sell. Now the challenge was, how to sell them well, to get as much money as possible for Clifford?
I tipped the bag of clothes I had onto the floor and asked them what we need to do to sell them. They said we’d need to hang them up or at least lay them out and we talked about how clothes and other items are sold in shops – organised and sorted.
They briefly suggested some ways of sorting – all the hats in one place and the rest elsewhere, big things and small things – basically they couldn’t agree that these were good ideas, so they had to think a bit more about it at home as well as doing exercises from their books on clothing.

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