- Details
- Written by Anni Savisaari
- Parent Category: Finnish
- Category: Finnish 12-15
- Created: 17 October 2011
Books and films, lesson 3, yr 6, Finnish. For the overall aims, making an extract from a book into a scene in a film, see Books and Films, Matilda and Holes, English and Finnish For the first two lessons see Books and films, English, lesson 1 and Books and films, English, lesson 2. We had read the book and watched the film of Holes.
Content aim: to find the defining features of films and books, how and why they are different, by looking in particular at the differences between the book and the film, ‘Holes’ by Louis Sacher.
Thinking aim: To organise the differences in such a way that they could be clearly understood and could be used later as a tool.
- I elicited the differences the pupils had found between the book and the film. In doing this we referred to what had been discussed in Books and films, English, lesson 2 and they had a lot of ideas.
- We made these into a mind map, first together on the blackboard, and then they all wrote it out in their notebooks. I could have made an ENV, but this was very similar. In the next lesson Books and films, Finnish, lessons 4 - 6 I'll give them their challenge.
1. As far as I understand, when you discussed the differences between the book and the film you put all students ideas on the board. Could you describe the procedure of how you moved from a list of ideas to an organised mind map?
2. How much scaffolding did you offer them?
3. Did your mind map help you to find more parameters and values for differences between a book and a film? And why did you decide to organise their answers as a mind map and not as an ENV?
4. Were your students already familiar with the ENV when you worked with this task?
Is it possible to see a mind map you managed to produce with your students?
Many thanks in advance!
Through discussion we chose their best suggestions and then together we built up the mind map. The pupils themselves noticed whcih were the most important things. I didn't give them the answers, but used guiding questions where necessary. I think the mind map was clearer for this task as it was divided in two with the book on one side, and the film on the other, so we could visualise the differences more clearly. At the bottom of the mind map we had a box which covered books and films where we collected parameters which are similar in both.
Sorry I've taken so long to reply to this!