
1 student, form 7

1h per week (the sorting task is not done during that hour, the student is asked to sort "at home", during the lesson we just check what the student came up with and try to see the steps to solve the problem with the sorting the student faces)


My aim:

-student is able to distinguish different forms to refer to the past (ENV: doesn't see the forms that refer to the past vs sees the forms that refer to the past)

-(my sub-aim) I know what the student might come up with when doing sorting and thus, I anticipate her problems and know how to make her make next step.


The S.was asked to sort 10 sentences she was given (make any groups S sees). An example with "animals" (domestic/wild) was given to S to help S understand the task).


Update for 08.11:

We were working on .eu website with the system. Due to personal reasons the S had no possibility to work with the computer during a week, so there are no other results yet. Hope to see something this Monday.


# Alexander Sokol 2010-11-02 10:53
Renata, thanks for sharing with us. A few questions / comments.
1. Is it possible to see the task you asked the student to do?
2. What exactly did the student manage to do during the lesson?
3. Where did she get stuck? How do you explain it?
4. How did you help her? Why exactly like this?
Looking forward to reading more.
# Renata Jonina 2010-11-04 22:18
Thank you for your questions. First of all, I'd like to highlight that what I am trying to do is rather fragmental, so I am sorry for unsystematic approach you see here.

1. Yes, it's "speaking about past 1", task 2.1 (that you can find on

2. In fact, as I put down, I did not ask the student to do anything during the lesson. I just explained on the example of animals what I mean by divide the sentences in groups. Right now I am not sure that it was a good idea but I also said that we are working with verbs so I am expecting S to connect classification with verbs. My reason to tell that was that we have only 1 lesson per week, so if for the next lesson S would come up with only "I don't know" without any try, then we would loose one week. Right now I think, I could have given S some time during the lesson to classify sentences, and then give some feedback to think of for the next time.

3. The next lesson the student came up with the classification of sentences according to "with the -ing word" and "without". Guess, S has some ideas about -ing words (they revise Pr.Continuous) at school now, so -ing was the most "visual" thing that caught her eye.

4. I reminded her that we need to look for Verbs and then she said that -ing words are verbs. I asked her, how does she knows they are verbs. She said that -ing words are verbs. I asked if she's sure they're all verbs, and asked how can we check it. So, finally, we got to the point that she has to check -ing words in dictionary to prove they are verbs.
# Alexander Sokol 2010-12-05 21:29
thanks for the detailed reply.
I think it could be easier for people if you include a link to the material you've used in your post.
I've still got a few questions, esp. re points 3 and 4.

Let's take that moment when you told her that she need to look for verbs. How do you define it yourself? What was it if we are referring to the Thinking Task Framework? What was your aim when you told her this?
Another thing I am interested in here is where she actually got stuck. Did I get you right that you see her answer about -ing form as a way of getting stuck? If so, why?

Another point I am not sure about is what you had in mind asking her to use a dictionary to prove that -ing forms are verbs? Can you say a few words here? I mean to ask what you wanted her to find and why she needed to use exactly a dictionary for this purpose.
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