- Details
- Written by Nikolaj Rasmussen
- Parent Category: Danish
- Category: Danish 25+
- Created: 07 March 2013
Her er en opgave om brug af bestemt og ubestemt form, som mange kursister har problemer med.
vi prøver den af i næste uge og skriver om, hvilke erfaringer vi gør med den.
Nikolaj og Sisse
Fokus på substantivernes bøjning – brug af bestemt og ubestemt form
Sorter sætningerne i 2 grupper:
- Agata er kursist på en sprogskole i Ballerup.
- Hun og de andre kursister går i skole hver dag.
- I skolen er der et studieværksted.
- I studieværkstedet er der mange bøger og forskellige computerprogrammer.
- Kursisterne kan ikke låne bøgerne med hjem, men de må læse dem i studieværkstedet.
- Computerprogrammerne kan man også kun bruge i studieværkstedet. De handler om dansk grammatik og udtale.
- Der er mange dygtige kursister, der bruger computerprogrammerne på de dage, hvor de ikke har almindelig undervisning i sprogskolen.
Skriv sætningens nr. i gruppen. En sætning kan godt stå i begge grupper.
Hvilke kriterier fordeler du sætningerne efter?
Gruppe 1 |
Gruppe2 |
Hvad er kendetegnende for sætningerne i de to grupper?
Prøv at formulere en regel for, hvornår man bruger hhv. ubestemt og bestemt form.
1. The main function of sorting tasks is to help learners to discover the structures. For example, beginner learners, especially those coming from the language background where there's no article at all, might need to discover the structures for the articles in the new language. Sorting tasks work pretty well for this purpose, especially if enough input is given. I'd be careful, however, to see sorting tasks as a tool for coming to the rule. Normally, an average learners will be unable to come to the rule on the basis of the sorting task. Here more input is given. In the system of creative grammar tasks as used in the Thinking Approach, there is Part 4 where learners develop their rules.
2. I might be wrong but it seems that the sentences in your task are written by yourselves. Is that true? I'd encourage you to use authentic sentences instead. There's ample research evidence that even native speakers tend to distort the language when writing exercises specifically for learning purposes.
You are right - we have written the sentences ourselves.
And too about coming to the rule on the basis of the sorting task.
However we made the the task as a little story about the students themselves and not only sentences without a context.
The sorting task gave the students an idea of the differences between the different forms of the substantives and how you use them.
It was difficult for them to formulate a rule - and it is a difficult subject too.
because the simple rule: is it unknown og known? can´t explain and be used in all cases.
So next step should be the concept questions, which I found difficult to formulate.
The students found a way of sorting - group 1: indefinte sentences.
Group 2: indefinite.
Then I asked them to explain their criteries for choosing group:
their criteries from groupwork:
Is it mentioned first time or is it already known?
Here several students were not sure, how to define definit and undefinite.
So I asked them to examine the sentences in the two groups and answer the question:
How is the endings of the substantives in the two groups?
They wrote them in a skema and tried to fill ind the empty places.
This worked out pretty well.
They then had problems with the following sentences:
De andre kursister
de dage
This is definite - but the substantive is indefinite.
I resisted my impulse to give them the answer. They got very frustrated and found it difficult. I promissed to give them some more task about the problem, when I returned from Estland.