As sorting tasks often focus on form and grammar, I tried out this task as a means to repeating the story Hjælp det brænder and maybe even encourage a discussion about the main plot or details in the story.

I asked the students to sort the utterances below into two groups, right and wrong utterances according to the plot of the story. In addition I also asked them to justify the correctness or incorrectness of the utterances and find support for it in the text of the story. The task worked well both as a reading task to repeat vocabulary and for repeating the main plot of the story. So, now I'm thinking what might the next step be in this kind of task for continuing the thinking? And how can this task help the students build an even better understanding of the main plot of a story?        

Hjælp det brænder


Sorter sætningerne i rigtige og forkerte udsagn.


1. Kristian glemte at lukke vinduet, så gardinerne blæste ind i lysene.


2. Familien har et rigtig dårligt nytår.


3. Alle Julies legesager er brændt, men ikke hendes bamse.


4. Kristian synes det er sjovt at besøge Julie på hospitalet.


5. Julie får medicin og ilt og lægerne kontrollerer hendes hjerte.


6. Kristian er stolt af, at han har reddet Julie.


7. Julie hoster og kaster op.


8. Erik kysser sin datter godnat.


9. Lotte glemmer at slukke juletræet.


10. Kristian kan ikke sove, fordi han tænker på sin lillesøster.


11. Julie er træt og bliver lagt i seng inden klokken tolv.


12. Erik og Lotte har gæster nytårsaften.


13.Julie har haft hjertestop.


14. Kristian kan godt lide champagne.


15. De voksne er fulde og tænker kun på champagnen.


16. Kristian fryser om sine ører og løber tilbage til huset, for at hente sin hat.


17. Kristian synes det er spændende at skyde raketter af.


18. Julie ligger på hospitalet i en uge.

Rigtigt udsagn

Forkert udsagn



# Birute Sprauniene 2013-05-28 11:21
I think this is a good and creative task. Concerning the next step I'd consider asking the students to write a coherent text about the main plot of the story. This would mean to arrange the correct sentences in chronological order and - if they are able to do this - to rewrite some sentences or write some additional sentences in order to make a coherent text.
# Alexander Sokol 2013-05-28 22:44
I don't know if it will work as I don't understand the sentences but a possible task could be to change the sentence(s) as little as possible to get it to belong to the other group. While making these 'small' changes, the learners will be implicitly required to think about the story and what makes a sentence 'belong'.
# Nikolaj Rasmussen 2013-05-29 23:26
Dear Alexander. That's exactly what I was aiming for. Like sentence 3: All of Julies toys burned, but not here [teddy bear] and sentence 14: Kristian [likes] champagne. Here you could easily change the word to make the sentence belong. Thanks, great idea for a second step! And then Birutes task to wrap it up and give it a communicative aim.
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