Article Index

When you insert images into your article, you can upload them directly from your computer, by clicking the "image" button.

Please keep the image width to maximum 650 pixels and resolution 72 dpi. The reason for this is that the article column width is limited to 650 pixels, so an image wider than 650 px will be cropped on the right. In addition, a bigger image means a larger file size, which leads to slower download speed.

The image file should not have special characters - only letters and digits - without space characters (for context separation inside of the filename you can use underscore "_" and hyphen "-". (eg "my_article_about-theory-1.jpg" )

Following image file extensions are allowed: JPG, PNG, GIF.

When uploading images, please choose the "articles" folder - this can help us to find your material properly, if we update the website or if there are some problems with content and you need our support.

How can you define the image attributes like width and height, alignment etc? Here are some important screenshots to follow on the next Page:

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