Mistakes of a Novice TA Teacher: Conclusion

Continuation of the post "Mistakes of a Novice TA Teacher"


Even though, the article is speaking about mistakes and difficulties, it is aimed at helping any teacher who is thinking of joining the TA-teaching become aware of potential mistakes and thus avoid them on their TA-way. In addition, I believe that difficulties do not come to destroy you, but to help you realise your hidden potential and power.
Let difficulties know that you are too difficult and do not be afraid of making your first steps on the TA-path.


Problem situation 1: Teaching Thinking Explicitly
Problem situation 2: Structuring the Non-Linear Teaching-Learning Process
Problem situation 3: Getting Prepared for Building Solutions in Grammar
Problem situation 4: Avoiding Hunt for Fast-Food Thinking Materials
Problem situation 5: Evaluating Thinking Results

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