Grade: 3rd or 4th
Subject: Mother language (here Finnish)
Aim: - Finding answers to questions
-Noticing different types of questions and noticing that finding answers to some may take more thinking, sharing and time
- Working together and finding it useful
Tools: -Story (here a traditional Finnish folktale: Hölmöläistarina Rahakirstun vartiointi)
-Worksheet per pair and everyones notebooks
-Bloom´s taxonomy posters and pair work rules on the blackboard.
Teacher reminded of pair work rules and introduced questions levels (Bloom taxonomy poster)
Pupils read the story – aloud together or in silence
Pupils worked together: they had questions on the worksheet together and their own notebooks for answering questions
Shared class reflection in the end of the lesson: what questions where more difficult to answer than others? What kind of questions need more thinking? What kind of thinking?
- Add: Worksheet of questions (Bloom`s taxonomy)