Place: Rezekne Music secondary school

Students: Year 1 ( form 10)



Concept questions

  1. Water boils at 100 degrees C.


  1. Look! Water is boiling.


  1. Water has already boiled.


  1. Water has been boiling for the last 10 minutes.


Checking. Concept questions (in pairs).

1.      I ....(answer) five e-mails so far

 What time is the speaker referring to?

Does the speaker want to show that the action lasted for some time?

Does the speaker want to show when the action started?

Does the speaker want to show when the action ended

 2.      She ....(work) since seven o’clock.

 What time is the speaker referring to?

Does the speaker want to show that the action lasted for some time?

Does the speaker want to show when the action started?

Does the speaker want to show when the action ended

 3.      Sandy and her mum ...(bake) a cake at the moment.

 What time is the speaker referring to?

Does the speaker want to show that the action lasted for some time?

Does the speaker want to show when the action started?

Does the speaker want to show when the action ended?

 4.      She is well-informed about politics because she ..... (read) the newspaper every day.

What time is the speaker referring to?

Does the speaker want to show that the action lasted for some time?

Does the speaker want to show when the action started?

Does the speaker want to show when the action ended?


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