The aim- to represent language development opportunities in early years education using the technologies of TA.

The presentation on working with  compering objects.

The model for creating compression:

1. Naming an object 1;

2. Looking for it indications ( features)(how does it look);

3. Picking up an object 2;

4. Compering the features of object  1 and 2 (This apple is the same red, like a rose).

The games we can use for learning how to compare objects:

How to play? Picking up a card. The first player needs to name an object, the second to give one attribute of the object and so on. It is very important not to repeat the same attribute.

How to play? Picking up an object and giving as many his attributes as possible. From a given answers the players is taking one general descriptions and one specific. (glasses- round, sunshade).

How to play? The teacher is giving a quality (color) and kids needs to give as many as possible descriptions.Color- red, yellow, light, bright, dark…Fruits- apple, orange… (from 3 years old) and later the task is becoming more complicate by asking not just to name description, but the meaning too (light- light can be light, sun…; cold- the weather outside…).

During the meeting we also discussed opportunity how to play with rhymes and pictures (flash cards). This is going to be the aim of next meetings.


By the end of the meeting teachers got to try a task too.

1.The teachers got a picture from 2 parts.

2.They named 2 similarities and 2 differences.

3. After they created a short stories.

Words- temperature, shapes, light, style.

Story 1. This object has a different styles and shape. Ir is more light ...

Story 2. The temperature is about + 25 C. It is very warm. The kids are playing with the kite it's shape like diamond. It is good when it is light.

Story 3. Shapes and style of light raised my temperature up.

Story 4. Today the light was shining from the circle shape sun giving a high temperature but in the evening the style changed.

Story 5. The children damired the shape of the balloon. And how they look in the warm light of the summer evening. The temperature keep them outdoors late that night. It was their style to play.


# Alexander Sokol 2011-02-06 14:35
can you please share the following with us:
1. Who was the presentation for? (your colleagues at school, teachers from other schools, someone else?)
2. What is the age of pupils the teachers work with?
3. What was your aim for this presentation / workshop? Do you think you've managed to reach it?
4. Can you please specify what exactly you've used from the Thinking Approach technologies? In the post as such you're giving examples of various games only.
# Giedre Juodyte 2011-02-07 19:32
1. Colleagues from my school (preschool teachers).
2. They work with kids from 2,5 up to 5 years.
3.The aim was to represent opportunities to use TA in preschool (our preschool team are working on bringing more open ended task and making our teaching more inquiry based ). But we still have misconceptions and it is not easy to bring new teaching methods (because we are not used to accept that we do not know, or we think that we know better). So it was not difficult to reach a goal- to make to think on that we do and how.
4. I was studding "The Technology of Connected language Development in the Preschool"by T. A. Sidorchuk and N.N. Khomenko. I was talking about language development through compering and presented a technology for teaching kids to compere, according the book (object 1- attribute- compering- object 2 ), so I took it like a technology. Is in it?
# Alexander Sokol 2011-02-07 22:32
Thanks, Giedre. Got you know about technologies. The misunderstanding was connected with the fact that I thought you were referring to the technologies of the Thinking Approach to language teaching and learning ( The work of Sidorchuk and Khomenko can be referred to as Technology as well, however it won't be the TA technology. Rather one of technologies for introducing thinking when working with pre-school children.

Can you say a few more words what exactly you managed to achieve with your colleagues and what not? Did they accept the examples you gave as open-ended tasks? What did they like about them? (if anything) Did they see any difference if comparing the examples you gave and what they already did? Which ones?

BTW, what about yourself? What are the differences you see when comparing what you already did and what you found in Sidorchuk and Khomenko's work?
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