Some time ago I wrote about reading texts with few known words and how to use grammar keys to understand more. I would like to add that this method works. The students take it as a challenge - riddles that have to be solved. At least, their reaction is not as negative as it was when I asked them to read in this way for the first time. And I think that by guessing the meanings of words and sentences, the students develop their imagination and the ability to see links among phenomena.
For example, which is the odd one here: a bike, a car, a horse? Correct, a car! You can't ride it. And if you see a word 'ride', but don't know the next one, you can guess that it is a bike, not a horse, because the text you're reading is about living in Shanghai, not the countryside :) This is how you learn the word 'bicycle' and the expressions 'to ride a bike' and to 'drive a car'.
Another example. The texts reads: "When celebrating birthday you have to eat noodles because noodles symbolize ......" So guess, what is the meaning if you know that Chinese noodles are very very long???? My students said the noodles symbolize 'long life'. And they were right! Context only, you don't need a dictionary to understand. Unless you need to know the pronunciation.
As a result, I feel (and my students would agree) that there is such hard work during the lessons, that even if there's no homework, the progress is obvious. With homework it would be even faster, but I'm satisfied with at least some students studying at home too, because they create this positive image of the learners in general. And I see that the number of diligent students is growing.
Do you see what I am speaking about?
What I am asking about is more connected with the thinking part. If you look at the Thinking Task Framework, Step 2 deals with the development of the algorithm, ie students are expected to develop an algorithm for the problems where they felt stuck. In my experience, our assumptions that they are well aware of the algorithm are often an illusion. Therefore, I'd encourage you to get them to put the algorithm down. However, not your algorithm described above, but their own, devised on the experience of doing the task. I imagine that if they don't work as a whole class, the algorithm will differ from student to students (or from group to group). This could give you the whole new area for learning, where the students are working on a meta cognitive level.
Sth like this. So, I'll give them short unknown texts and ask to answer my questions. Will see how well they can apply this algorythm...