Mål: at tænke sig frem til sætningsstrukturerne for spørgsmål og svar

Task: Sorter sætningerne i opgave A, B og C i det antal grupper der står under sætninger. Sætninger i samme gruppe skal have den samme struktur og der skal stå lige mange sætninger i hver gruppe. 

Når alle sætninger er sat i en gruppe, skal der udtænkes parametre for hver gruppe. Hvordan er strukturen for sætningerne i samme gruppe?

Organisering af task: Kursisterne arbejder i par og får 10 min. til hver opgave og de udtænkte parametre gennemgås derefter i grupper på fire eller på klassen, alt efter holdets størrelse.

Feedback: Dette er en opgave for absolut begyndere, men kræver stadig et basalt ordforråd og kendskab til ordklasser. Kursisterne kan udtænke parametre, som de så kan bruge til selv at danne nye spørgsmål og svar.


Link til handout:


Link til andre sorteringsopgaver:




# sisse johansen 2013-02-24 17:53
Kære Nikolaj!
Jeg har prøvet din øvelse i en begynderklasse på du2. Det fungerede fint og gav kursisterne fornemmelse for sætningsstrukturen - uden at jeg havde forklaret det først.
# Alexander Sokol 2013-02-25 09:44
Nikolaj, welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing!
A few questions on my part.

1. Can you give more details about how the work on the task developed? It'd be especially interesting to know if the students had any challenge (Step 1 of the Thinking Task Framework), how they coped with the challenge and whether any tools appeared as a result (Step 2), how the reflection was organised and whether any new problem appeared as a result (Step 3).

2. If I understood correctly, your task asked learners for the division for a given number of groups and keeping to the same number of sentences in each group. Do you think it could work if the task was left more open, thus allowing for more division options on students' part?

3. Do you think you could share the handouts on this website in the Materials section? You can publish them in the same way as you published this reflection.

Looking forward to more posts.
# Nikolaj Rasmussen 2013-02-26 20:44
Dear Alexander

It has been a while since I did the exercise, so I can not really come with more detailed feedback, but I will try. Sisse also did the same exercise, so maybe she can add some of her experiences.

# Alexander Sokol 2013-02-26 20:53
Thanks, Nikolaj. Sisse, please share your experience re the above questions if you have time. Nikolaj, if you think you could respond to points 2 and 3 above, it'd be useful. And, hopefully, you can do more of the thinking tasks with your learners and share here.
# Elina Maslo 2013-02-27 09:31
Nej hvor spændende! Tak, Nikolaj!

Hvilke navne har kursisterne givet sine parametre? Det er altid så spændende at se på kursiternes arbejde med parametre og den fantastiske kreativitet der kommer til udtryk!

Arbejder I så videre med disse forskellige typer sætninger i undervisningen?

mange hilsner
# sisse johansen 2013-03-06 15:22
Dear Alexander!
When I used Nikolaj`s task, the students got aware, that the order of the words in a question is in the order: verb, subject - while it is opposite in an ordinary sentence. But they found out by sorting, and I did not go any further with the task. However I think they remember it better and are able to use it correctly after the task.
# Alexander Sokol 2013-03-08 11:01
Thanks, Sisse. Is there any particular reason for you not having gone further? Did you see no point? Were afraid students would find it boring? Something else?
# sisse johansen 2013-03-10 14:34
Dear Alexander!
I did not go any further, because I did not found a way to continue.

However now I have tried Nikolajs task in another class - actually on a very low level - and it appeared more interesting.
I just asked them to sort the sentences as they wanted. And they came up with several different ways, that I my self did not think of.
In the first one some students tried to sort: group one: corresponding questions and answers. Group 2: not corresponding questions and answers.
Then they checked it afterwards and together found that the sorting was not very usefull - they looked at each others sorting system and found one that allowed all sentences to be sorted. They got aware of the pronouns and the order of the words in questions and answers.

Some students sorted in structures: questions - and sentences. Some put sentence 3 in the question - group - which can be possible, but it depends on the tone in the speaken sentence. All of it gave the students a good experience in having focus on the structures.

I still find it difficult to move to the next step.

Task B:
Some students sorted in:

group 1:Questions containing the word: du

group 2: not containing: du
# Alexander Sokol 2013-03-11 11:32
Sisse, possibilities for multiple ways of sorting is one of the positive features of sorting tasks. You are right, when comparing various ways of sorting, learners go over the sentences again and again, thus the exposure to language is higher.

One of the next steps could be asking learners why we might be interested in sorting sentences. As adults are rather pragmatic, I gather quite a few of them will come up with ideas related to learning grammar. This would help you move to aim setting, i.e. what can we learn about Danish grammar on the example of these sentences? When the aim is agreed on, the choice of criteria for grouping becomes easier.

The next step would be concept questions.
# Elina Maslo 2013-05-30 12:50
Kære Nikolaj

Jeg har nu også afprøvet dine opgaver med mine nye begyndere - total succes! Opgaverne er lige til at gå til, kursisterne kan overskue opgaven og kommer på et højere niveau i deres forståelse for spørgsmål-svar strukturer.

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